Suzie Jones Consultancy - Breaking the communication barrier

Examples of Training Courses
We can deliver courses at your place, or they can be arranged at conference venues around the country.
You can choose from • bite-sized sessions (1-2 hours), • half day or • full day courses.
You can also choose to do • accredited qualifications in communication with deaf and deafblind people which can be up to 4 full days, or over a period of time. Please contact us for more details.

Some examples of courses can be found, below.
If you can't see something that would suit you, please contact us to discuss your needs.

The Equality Act and discrimination
A discussion on the Equality Act and the responsibilities of employers, employees and customers. This session will include a brief history of the legislation and the differences between indirect and direct discrimination, focusing on disability.

Suitable for: volunteers, disabled people wanting to know their rights, managers and people responsible for creating policies and procedures within the workplace.

Disability Equality
Definition of disability • Models of disability • Stereotyping • Discussion on promoting equality and disability etiquette.

Note: the two courses, above, can be put together to cover a one day Disability Equality training for volunteers, managers and employees working with the public, reducing stereotyping and discrimination.

Deaf Awareness and communication
Defining and understanding deafness • Challenging stereotypes • Communication with deaf people • Deaf people and access. The full day course will also include • understanding the differences between deaf people • how deafness affects mental health • discrimination and deaf people and • a practical session in understanding different communication needs.

Suitable for: those who often work with the general public, in shops, reception areas, within public bodies and private businesses.

This can also be taken as a 3 day course leading to the accredited Signature qualification in Deaf Awareness and Communication.

Deafblind communication and guiding
Defining and understanding deafblindness • Impact of deafblindness on mental health • Communication with deafblind people • Deafblind people and access. The full day course will include a short practical session in guiding and communication using deafblind manual and Block.

Suitable for: care workers and health professionals. This course could be linked with the new skills for care qualifications due out in January 2011.

Please note, this course does not qualify people to work as a communicator-guide, interested participants will need to take the full 4 day course leading to the accredited Signature qualification in communication and guiding with deafblind people.

Training in use of specialist equipment for deaf people
This course covers the different technical aids and equipment that can be used by deaf people; explanation of different organisations who provide access and how employers and staff can make life more accessible for deaf and deafblind people.

Suitable for: people who require knowledge on the use and benefits of loop systems, textphones and Text relay; it can also include an introduction to services available to deaf people, the different deaf organisations and what they do.

Training for call centre staff
Understanding communication barriers for deaf people when using telephony; use of Text Relay and Textphones. Introduction to and latest information on advances in new technology for deaf people. This course also includes a practical session.

Training in use of Communication Professionals and Access to work
What are Communication professionals? Who uses communication professionals? How to book a communication professional ; the Register; Access to work and deaf people.

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